LESER Material Management
Gestão de materiais da LESER

Material Management

LESER products stand for safety and high quality. Our actions are consistently oriented to the requirements and needs of our customers. The production processes and the quality management system are designed holistically and focus on sustainability, efficiency and flexibility.   

LESER's suppliers follow these premises and form the backbone for joint success. Do you as a supplier meet these requirements for one or more of the following product groups? Then become part of our supply chain.

Product groups:

  • Bar material, incl. pipes
  • Bursting discs
  • Castings
  • Connectors
  • Elastomer bellows
  • Flanges
  • Forgings
  • Formed sheet metal parts
  • Manometers
  • PTFE-Material
  • Seals and gaskets
  • Springs
  • Stainless steel bellows

Contact us: StrategischerEinkauf@leser.com
Find here the general conditions of purchase:

General Purchase Conditions
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