Web Service Order Status
LEITOR Estado do pedido

Order Status of your LESER Safety Valve

You expect highly reliable delivery and dependability from LESER.

With the Order Status web service LESER offers you transparency and the possibility to stay informed on the status of your order. You can find out at any time where your safety valve is in the production process at our plant and when the order is ready for delivery.

This is what you do

You have placed an order with LESER and would like to track its status at LESER?
Simply enter the combination of customer number and order number (LESER job number) to check the status of your order.

Please note:
The Order Status web service can only show statuses for orders at the LESER factory in Hohenwestedt (Germany). For safety valves manufactured or assembled at another LESER location, please contact your local representative.

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