Food & Beverage
LESER válvula de segurança  para a Indústria alimentícia e de bebidas

Sustainable safety for our food and beverages

A globally growing population must also be supplied with safe food on a sustainable basis in the future. Your goal is to improve the quality of life of your customers in a healthier future.
The sustainable availability of raw materials and the requirements for the safety and quality of your products are becoming increasingly important. For this you need reliable and qualified suppliers who support your sustainability concept. These must enable the stability of the production processes and guarantee the cleanliness of the medium in order to ensure the purity of all our foodstuffs. The processes in the food industry require safety valves with a variety of materials and sizes. The core processes for the end product in particular require special valves that offer simple process integration with the option of cleaning (CIP) or sterilisation (SIP). Safety valves for these particularly clean applications must prevent contamination from outside. 

Food & Beverage - Products

A Vantagem LESER

Com a Série Clean Service, a LESER oferece válvulas de segurança que atendem às altas exigências de indústria alimentícia. O baixo espaço morto e a construção interna livre de folgas garantem alto grau de limpeza. As válvulas podem ser abertas automaticamente durante o processo de limpeza com a alavanca pneumática existente. Pacotes de superfície de acordo com as Normas ASME BPE e DIN 11866 com alta qualidade de superfície e elastômeros compatíveis com FDA permitem processos limpos.

Válvulas de segurança para todas as aplicações e documentação abrangente com curtos prazos de entrega completam a gama de produtos. 

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