Careers College Students
Bewerbungs FAQ

At LESER, students have many opportunities to develop professionally and gain some practical experience in the process. The specialized departments for development, production, and sales work closely together.

Dual courses of study

 The following dual courses of study are offered:

  • Mechanical Engineering specializing in development and design
  • Mechanical Engineering specializing in production management
  • Industrial Engineering
Mechanical Engineering studies take place at the University of Applied Sciences (HAW), and Industrial Engineering studies at NORDAKADEMIE Elmshorn. The practical part of these courses take place at LESER in various departments in Hamburg and Hohenwestedt. With the completion of these courses of study, LESER offers interesting employment opportunities!

Bachelor's / Master's thesis

LESER offers students from all universities the opportunity to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis (e.g. as part of a project work). For this purpose, a "mentor" is provided and students get to know the basics of the company through their daily work.

Working students

Working students support LESER in all areas of its daily work. This also offers interesting contacts and insights into the company.

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